MuleSoft Technical Guides

Scatter Gather in Mule 4
Scatter Gather Pattern helps MuleSoft developers distribute different tasks to achieve parallel processing of tasks/messages/events & then finally aggregate the responses as a single response.
- The Scatter-Gather component receives a Mule event and sends a reference of this Mule event to each processing route.
- Each of the processing routes starts executing in parallel then returns a Mule event. This is because the Scatter-Gather component executes each route in parallel, not sequentially.
- After all processing routes have finished execution, the Scatter-Gather component creates a new Mule event that combines all resulting Mule events from each route. It then passes the new Mule event to the next component in the flow.
Scatter Gather Example:
In Scatter-Gather flow, we have three routes: Flow Reference Component(Flow Reference routes the Mule event to another flow or sub-flow). One set Payload Transformer(The Set Payload component lets you update the payload of the message).
Both sub-flow contains a Database select query operation which gives us data from the Database. This transform message component converts the data from the Database into JSON format and a logger which will track the logs.
1) Route 1 contains a Flow reference of a sub-flow (db-flow1)
Configuration of select query operation –
Configuration XML:
<sub-flow name="db-flow1" doc:id="bf4acf02-bd0d-4156-9980-6aad5b1e908b" > <db:select doc:name="Select" doc:id="38eff10a-1141-4b16-aeb4-c3ed78eeae66" config-ref="Database_Config1"> <db:sql ><![CDATA[select * from product]]></db:sql> </db:select> <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="d3590e43-a0c1-42e9-b6d5-562db1bec17d" > <ee:message > <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload]]></ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform> <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="342df3a5-b836-4a4c-a775-06bde82712d4" message="#[payload]"/> </sub-flow>
2) Route 2 contains a Flow reference of a sub flow (db-flow2)
Configuration of Select Query :
Configuration XML:
<sub-flow name="db-flow2" doc:id="f88987da-ea4c-44f5-bc39-0096d78eaa72" > <db:select doc:name="Select" doc:id="930efe51-8e73-40f2-9184-8174be3e9d01" config-ref="Database_Config1"> <db:sql ><![CDATA[select * from product1]]></db:sql> </db:select> <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="ec45dbb2-92eb-43e2-836b-84029b0f4290" > <ee:message > <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload]]></ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform> <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="b100cf5e-809e-4d09-bfba-05f8114b748d" message="#[payload]"/> </sub-flow>
3) Route 3 contains a Set Payload component
Configuration of Set Payload:
Configuration XML:
<route > <set-payload value="scatter-gather flow payload" doc:name="Set Payload" doc:id="f8c0d364-044e-4e59-b31d-3fb4e8805466" /> <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="62563f04-a79c-4cef-9ab9-5eea9e17637a" message="#[payload]"/> </route>
Tables in Database:
- Product Table
2. Product1 Table
Flow XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mule xmlns:ee="" xmlns:db="" xmlns:http="" xmlns="" xmlns:doc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_config" doc:name="HTTP Listener config" doc:id="dc87c934-3f63-4e54-a7a6-57b9852c6e2a" > <http:listener-connection host="" port="8081" /> </http:listener-config> <db:config name="Database_Config1" doc:name="Database Config" doc:id="99af9304-0aa1-484d-986c-be9022aa3d21" > <db:my-sql-connection host="localhost" port="3306" user="root" password="Caelius@123" database="muletrainingdb" /> </db:config> <flow name="scatter-gather" doc:id="b7ea3fed-f402-4359-8a0d-c7a952903010" > <http:listener doc:name="Listener" doc:id="8e71879a-1711-4c3d-b4a1-1effa23cdec0" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/test"/> <scatter-gather doc:name="Scatter-Gather" doc:id="f79ea679-6ffc-432c-a8e5-c56c9a6ff025" > <route > <flow-ref doc:name="db-flow1" doc:id="da378a2d-6584-4682-be11-746cb1b443a6" name="db-flow1"/> </route> <route > <flow-ref doc:name="db-flow2" doc:id="765de27e-c4ac-4c0b-bced-58f49f2bc460" name="db-flow2"/> </route> <route > <set-payload value="scatter-gather flow payload" doc:name="Set Payload" doc:id="f8c0d364-044e-4e59-b31d-3fb4e8805466" /> <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="62563f04-a79c-4cef-9ab9-5eea9e17637a" message="#[payload]"/> </route> </scatter-gather> <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="df9303a4-c1dd-4eec-a731-a9358859ed18"> <ee:message> <ee:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload]]></ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform> </flow> <sub-flow name="db-flow1" doc:id="bf4acf02-bd0d-4156-9980-6aad5b1e908b" > <db:select doc:name="Select" doc:id="38eff10a-1141-4b16-aeb4-c3ed78eeae66" config-ref="Database_Config1"> <db:sql ><![CDATA[select * from product]]></db:sql> </db:select> <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="d3590e43-a0c1-42e9-b6d5-562db1bec17d" > <ee:message > <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload]]></ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform> <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="342df3a5-b836-4a4c-a775-06bde82712d4" message="#[payload]"/> </sub-flow> <sub-flow name="db-flow2" doc:id="f88987da-ea4c-44f5-bc39-0096d78eaa72" > <db:select doc:name="Select" doc:id="930efe51-8e73-40f2-9184-8174be3e9d01" config-ref="Database_Config1"> <db:sql ><![CDATA[select * from product1]]></db:sql> </db:select> <ee:transform doc:name="Transform Message" doc:id="ec45dbb2-92eb-43e2-836b-84029b0f4290" > <ee:message > <ee:set-payload ><![CDATA[%dw 2.0 output application/json --- payload]]></ee:set-payload> </ee:message> </ee:transform> <logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger" doc:id="b100cf5e-809e-4d09-bfba-05f8114b748d" message="#[payload]"/> </sub-flow> </mule>
Output Combining all routes:
{ "0": { "inboundAttachmentNames": [], "exceptionPayload": null, "inboundPropertyNames": [], "outboundAttachmentNames": [], "payload": [ { "original_price": 1000.0, "product_id": 1, "name": "Hp Pavilion laptop", "offer_valid_until": "2016-06-27T10:45:56", "description": "Hp Laptop ", "brand_name": "HP", "offer_price": 1000.0 }, { "original_price": 3000.0, "product_id": 2, "name": "Macbook Pro laptop", "offer_valid_until": "2016-06-27T10:45:57", "description": "Apple Laptop ", "brand_name": "Apple", "offer_price": 3000.0 }, { "original_price": 2000.0, "product_id": 3, "name": "Mac Book laptop", "offer_valid_until": "2016-06-27T10:45:57", "description": "Apple Laptop ", "brand_name": "Apple", "offer_price": 2000.0 }, { "original_price": 4000.0, "product_id": 4, "name": "IBM laptop", "offer_valid_until": "2016-06-27T10:45:57", "description": "IBM Laptop ", "brand_name": "IBM", "offer_price": 4000.0 }, { "original_price": 1000.0, "product_id": 5, "name": "MotoX Mobile", "offer_valid_until": "2016-06-27T10:45:57", "description": "Motorola Mobile ", "brand_name": "Motorola", "offer_price": 1000.0 }, { "original_price": 5000.0, "product_id": 6, "name": "Samsung Note 5", "offer_valid_until": "2016-06-27T10:45:57", "description": "Samsung Mobile ", "brand_name": "Samsung", "offer_price": 5000.0 } ], "outboundPropertyNames": [], "attributes": null }, "1": { "inboundAttachmentNames": [], "exceptionPayload": null, "inboundPropertyNames": [], "outboundAttachmentNames": [], "payload": [ { "Name": "hp", "id": 1001 }, { "Name": "asus", "id": 1002 }, { "Name": "dell", "id": 1003 }, { "Name": "apple", "id": 1004 } ], "outboundPropertyNames": [], "attributes": null }, "2": { "inboundAttachmentNames": [], "exceptionPayload": null, "inboundPropertyNames": [], "outboundAttachmentNames": [], "payload": "scatter-gather flow payload", "outboundPropertyNames": [], "attributes": { "headers": { "user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.28.0", "accept": "*/*", "postman-token": "01f2bd2d-5eaa-4d9f-bd6a-164ab590be81", "host": "localhost:8081", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "connection": "keep-alive" }, "clientCertificate": null, "method": "GET", "scheme": "http", "queryParams": {}, "requestUri": "/test", "queryString": "", "version": "HTTP/1.1", "maskedRequestPath": null, "listenerPath": "/test", "localAddress": "/", "relativePath": "/test", "uriParams": {}, "rawRequestUri": "/test", "rawRequestPath": "/test", "remoteAddress": "/", "requestPath": "/test" } } }
All the MuleSoft Anypoint platform users can use this guide to implement scatter-gather pattern in their Mule projects.
Find more MuleSoft technical guides at Caelius Consulting Resource Centre.