MuleSoft Technical Guides

Standalone Runtime server in Mule 4
Why do we need a Standalone Runtime Server?
We can deploy our application on Anypoint studio. It has an embedded mule runtime server and we are deploying it on Anypoint studio. But in production, we won’t do that. We need to start standalone Mule Runtime.
How to start a Standalone Runtime Server?
- We need to download Mule Runtime Server from the link:
- Extract the downloaded zip file in your root directory.
- Login to your Anypoint Platform -> Runtime Manager -> Servers -> Add Server
4. Popup window will be displayed as shown below.
- Go to the directory where you have extracted your Standalone Runtime zip. Go to the bin directory and open the command prompt.
6. Execute the command that you have copied from the above popup window. You can replace the server name with the name that you want to give to a server. Remove (./ )from the command before executing the command. Mule runtime agent will get installed after executing the above command.
- Once the mule runtime agent is installed, you will see the server with your given name is created in runtime manager with status CREATED.
8. Now, go to Applications ->Deploy Application
9. Upload the jar file and deploy the application.
10. Check the application status.
11. We can check the status of the application in the bat file.
12. Now put a get request, and we would be able to get the results.
13. Use ctrl+c in the mule bat file to disconnect the application.
This guide will help MuleSoft Developers gaining a better understanding of deploying a Standalone Runtime server. Thanks for reading. Find more MuleSoft best practices here at Caelius Consulting Resource Centre.